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Chapter One, the rescue of Anna



It seems that the food supply to Domas Fort has stopped. Saris is interested in sending a group to Fairweather Farm to investigate.


After investigating the Fairweather farm Ghea and Arland, the owners of the farm were found dead out back by the pond. Bandits were found in the house attacking a young red haired girl, after dispatching the bandits and burying the farmers, Kerin spoke to Anna to gather information as to what was going on. That the Bandits were there to try and gather the location of Domas Fort and hastily murdered Ghea and Arland who were the only ones that knew its location.


After a confrontation between Assavari and Alexander the group was met by Quil, the Drow Ranger who is also a member of the Order of the Piercing Light; she informed the group that Aramys’ a sorcerer in the Order had been captured and taken to Doras Fort, a fort to the south of Fairweather Farm and that they should go and rescue her, after agreeing the group went, sending Anna back to Doras Fort with Quil.


After traveling down to the Doras Fort the group spotted guards along the wall in the Fort that descended into the ground, deeper and deeper. Fighting off the guards along the wall the group descended into the depths of Doras Fort, sneaking through the halls they encountered Paramar Guards and many of the group had their first encounter with a Pale, a mindless husk of a former paladin of Paramar, after some clever magic tricks the group managed to knock him unconscious and found… Anna? They had just rescued Anna, the group quickly came to the realization that they had sent a fake back to the Fort with Quil, they had to hurry, find Aramys’ and get back.


As they continued their search they discovered a Paladin of Paramar covered in white armor with a long white cape coming down the back. The group fended him off and managed to rescue Aramys’.


Leaving the Fort the group passed by a room they chose to ignore originally, an older man, blanketed in purple robes with marks of Paramar on them sat in the middle of the room looking at the shrine to Pelor, turning around he attempted to kill the party but Quil busted in and shot the man, after a few exchange of words the man vanished in bright light. Quil reassured them of discovering the fake Anna, who was actually a wizard who had been pretending to be Anna for weeks to discover the location of Domas Fort.


Quickly the group headed back to Domas Fort to inform Saris of what they had learnt.


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