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The Fall of the Light History and introduction to the world


In the beginning there were 7 provinces, they all lived in peace and balance with each other. Paramar, Barrel, Saranan, Car’tie, the Forodan Mountains, the Cynder Isles and the Outer Isles of Fire. Paramar, the kingdom of religious zealots to the gods Pelor and Earthis was at the most southern point; although their beliefs highly influenced their ways, there was never an issue with the other provinces until 15 years ago.



Paramars ruler King Jaravar with the aid of High Lord Darian Adarian slowly took over the northern provinces. Expecting no resistance from The Kingdom of Saranan, Saranan attacked Paramar in defense of the other 5 provinces. King Jaravar, taking his most precious of possessions The Sun Staff, decimated the entire province turning it in to a barren waste land known as the Desert of the Lost King today.



As Paramar slowly invaded the Northern provinces, Barrel was the first and fastest to fall, the lush green forests and the beautiful architecture. The kingdoms was no match for the paladins of Paramar and Barrel fell with no retaliation or attempt to stop them. Paramar instantly continued their march north and took over one kingdom after another.



Religious freedom has been removed from the continent of Carla as Paramar swept across, taking everything for themselves and forcing the worship of Pelor and Earthis on all; to disobey was to die. Paramars people were taught that to invade was to spread the light of Pelor to those who did not believe and that they would be rewarded for it.



Over the past 10 years the Cynder Islands have been home to a group known as the The Order of the Piercing Light, an Order dedicated to the removal of Paramar forces from the continent of Carla. The newest force is being placed together, a small group, you are a part of one of three groups that is tasked with the freeing of Paraous City.


The Cynder Islands was the last stop in the Paramar occupation campaign making it the perfect place to deliever the first blow against the tyrant nation. On the Cynder Isles you are on Cynn Island, the largest of the three islands that make up the isles. Paraous City, the capital of the Cynder Isles has fallen in to chaos. The Order has decided that the freedom of Paraous City is the most important thing they should focus on, preparing small groups to infiltrate and disrupt the Paramar forces, the end goal is to free the City from Paramar control and spread their rebellion across the continent 



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

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