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Kerin Underbough


Race: Halfling

Age: 21

Skin Colour: Fair, pale.

Hair Colour: Blonde

Hair Style: Long

Body Type: Small and slender

Place of Birth: Barrel

Birthdate: 17th of Marpenoth

Relationships: Spiros, Tiff

Affiliations: Order of the Piercing Light

Goals: To restore the Aspects back to power and defeat Paramar

Alignment: Neutral Good

Pets: Nabu, Norbert, Unknown Egg

Personality: Bubbly and excitable, Kerin enjoys learning and exploring

Ideals: All people should be free to learn and make their own choices

Bonds: Kerin always tries to help a person or creature in need.

Flaws: Impatient and easily distracted



Giving in to their thirst for adventure, Kerin's parents would indulge in exciting activities. One afternoon while her parents were out sailing a flash storm came howling out of the west. Young Kerin's parents never returned.

Raised from then on by her doting grandparents, Tiff and Borgus, the halfling girl wanted for nothing.Tiff, an accomplished wizard, took it upon herself to school her granddaughter in the ways of the arcane. While Borgus, a cheerful and curious halfling, would often take Kerin on day trips to see whatever they could see.

After Paramar began their invasions Tiff managed to shield their village from the greedy eyes of the King's forces. Kerin believed that all people had a right to their own choices, an ideal that Paramar had taken from the masses. She joined a rebel force, the Order of Piercing Light, and dedicated herself to restoring freedom.






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