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The Sad Man and his problems


“Oh? Yes… like that” Kerin said as she hammered away on the nail to ensure stability of the new Onyx Badger poster.


Kerin had gotten up early that morning to post her new poster all over Darris Rynn, her impatience and excitement for this new adventure had gotten the better of her this morning. Walking along the Château district Kerin took notice of an older man walking along the road. The Chateau district is filled with rich men and nobles, this man stood out; Old cloth and leather clothes, boots that looked half falling apart, a hat that the man was clenching between his hands.


“Hey! You!” Kerin shouted to the man, looking back the man had a very sad look; he was clearly upset about something, other than the glance that revealed this sadness he turned his head back and continued walking. “Hey now!” Kerin shouted as she leapt after the man attempting to get around him. Kerin continued to walk backwards in front of the man demanding his attention; he was very surprised by what was obviously an invasion of his person space. Kerin continued to walk until the man finally stopped and talked back to her.


“I uh-…” the man sighed a little. The two of them sat down in a small Patio Cafe in the Chateau district and began to talk.

“So they won’t send anyone?!” Kerin exclaimed. “Not at all…” The man was sad. “Well! I assure you, I’ll come and help you!” 

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