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Xander Brighten


“Xander!?” The farmers yelled out,  but everything that he touched just seemed to burst into flames.

Xander had set the farm on fire. No one was sure how, the young boy they had known since he was a child had begun to burn their lively hoods? “Impossible!” they though.


Xander was a sorcerer, unknowingly to himself; one born of the red dragon blood line, an affinity to fire. With no proper training his powers finally manifested themselves uncontrollably.


Xander fled into the wilds and was safe…  for a while at least. “What!? Who are you?” Xander cried out. Paramar troops had gathered Xander in his sleep, recognizing him from some wanted posters.


After a few weeks of being dragged towards Paraous City, Xander was bound and blindfolded, tied up to a post when some commotion around him sounded like fighting. The Orders Front had found Xander. Freeing him, they allowed him to follow for a while. Kerin attempted to train Xander in the ways of magic, but it was no use; with no experience in how to teach they decided it was best Xander should study in Darris Rynn at the Mages College.


Xander now studies in Darris Rynn, attempting to get a grasp on his arcane capabilities. 

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